

Dale Wilbanks

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Dale Wilbanks is the senior pastor at First Methodist Church of Eastland Texas. He has served in pastoral ministry for16 years. Before answering his call, he was the music director for 15 years at FUMC Ennis and a foster parent for 22 years. Dale graduated with his MDiv from SMU in 2015 and is currently in his 3rd appointment. He was married to Kathy in February 2022. When Kathy and Dale are not serving the church, they are traveling and spending time with Dale’s 11 children and 14 grandchildren.

Church Secretary

Gail Hughes

Gail moved to Texas from New Hampshire in 2015 to be closer to her son, Sam Hughes.  Sam is married and has two children. Gail enjoys being a grandma and notes that she isn't even 80 yet!  She began work at the church in the spring of 2017.

Gail lives in Ranger and has three rescue cats.

Mulberry School Director

Christiana Thomas